Over 200 different styles to compare your track to.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of what has been found that can be done using Photosounder.AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System, Audio Mastering, Audio Mixing, VST Plugin, Audacity, Reason, Serato, Sound Forge, Steinberg, Cubase, Wavelab, Native Instruments, Roland, Akai, Sony, Korg, Fruity Loops, Sampler, Image-Line, Reaper, Presonus, Fabfilter, Avid Pro, Ableton, Sequencer, Producer, Audio Mastering, Audio Mixing, Magix, Protools, Apple Logic Pro, PreSonus, Bitwig Studio, Garageband, Mixcraft, Cakewalk, Antares, Mixed In Key, Plugin Boutique, Waves, Vochlea, Sound Blaster, FormatFactory, Plugin Alliance, iLok, eLicenser, Renoise, MPC, Maschine, WavesFactory, Sonnox, 2nd Sense Audio, Aberrant DSP, accusonus, Acon Digital, AIR Music Technology, AKAI, Antares, Applied Acoustics Systems, Arobas Music, Arturia, Audible Genius, Audified, Audio Damage, Audiomodern, Audionamix, Audiority, AudioSpillage, AudioThing, Baby Audio, Beat, BeatSkillz, Ben Osterhouse, BFD, Big Fish Audio, Bitwig, BLEASS, Blue Cat Audio, Boom, Boz Digital Labs, Brainworx, Cableguys, Caelum Audio, Celemony, Cherry Audio, Cinematique Instruments, CloudBounce, Creative Intent, D16 Group, denise, Devious Machines, Diginoiz, Digital Brain Instruments, DJ Swivel, DopeSONIX,ĭS Audio, dSONIQ, e-instruments, eaReckon, Endlesss, EVAbeat, Eventide, Excite Audio, FabFilter, Freakshow Industries, Frontline Producer, Future Audio Workshop, FXpansion, Glitchmachines, Harrison Consoles, Harvest Plugins, Have Audio, Heavyocity, Hexachords, HY-Plugins, Iamlamprey, Iceberg Audio, Image Line, Inertia Sound Systems, Initial Audio, Inphonik, iZotope, Joey Sturgis Tones, Karanyi Sounds, Keepforest, Kilohearts, Kirnu Interactive, KLANG, Krotos, Kuassa, KV331 Audio, Leapwing Audio, Loopmasters, Loopmasters Plugins, Loot Audio, LP24 Audio, Lunacy Audio, Lunatic Audio, MAAT, Mammoth Audio, Mastering The Mix, McDSP, MeldaProduction, Mellowmuse, MeterPlugs, Midi Madness Software, Minimal Audio, Minimal System Group, MNTRA Instruments, Mozaic Beats, Muze, Native Instruments, Nektar Technology, Niche Audio, NUGEN Audio, OhmForce, Organic Loops, Output, Photosounder, Pitch Innovations, Plugin Boutique, Polyverse, Positive Grid, PreSonus, Producertech, Prolody, Pulsar Audio, RawCutz, Reason Studios, Relab Development, Resonance Sound, Reveal Sound, Rigid Audio, Rob Papen, Robotic Bean, ROLI, Sampleson, Schaack Audio, Serato, Shout Audio, Signum Audio, Sinevibes, Singomakers, Softube, Sonarworks, SongWish, sonible, Sonic Charge, SONiVOX, Sonnox, Sonuscore, Sound Particles, Sound Yeti, Soundiron, SoundSpot, Soundtoys, Stagecraft, Strix Instruments, Sugar Bytes, Surreal Machines, Sweetsonics, Synchro Arts, TAL, The Amazonic, THEPHONOLOOP, Tokyo Dawn Labs, Tone Empire, Tracktion, Tronsonic, u-he, UJAM, UNDRGRND Sounds, United Plugins, UrsaDSP, Vengeance Sound, Venomode, Voxengo, W.A Production, Wave Alchemy, WaveDNA, Wavelet Audio, Wavesfactory, Wide Blue Sound, XILS Lab, XLN Audio, zplane, Zynaptiq, AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System V4 - AAMS V4 Professional Versionīatch mastering for multiple files at once A demo version is available, with the ability to save the resulting sound to file disabled, and a short silence inserted every 12 seconds. It can also run on Linux using the latest development release of Wine.
Photosounder is available for Windows (2000, XP, Server 2003 and Vista), Mac OS X 10.4+ Universal (Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard, on both PowerPC and Intel machines). This groundbreaking approach is what allows us to push the boundary of what we thought was possible. Photosounder turns sound processing problems into image processing challenges, and brings the power and flexibility of familiar image processing tools to the creation and transformation of sounds. Photosounder is a cutting edge spectral editing program, offering the best spectrogram editing and synthesis capabilities, making use of unique spectrograph, synthesis and filtering algorithms developed specifically to achieve the best results possible. Ultimately, knowing how sounds look and how images sound, you'll be able to create images that sound like what you want to hear, or like what you couldn't imagine to hear. Sounds, once turned into images, can be powerfully modified to achieve effects and results that couldn't be obtained in any other way, while images of all sorts reveal the infinite kinds of otherworldly sounds they contain. It is unique in that it opens images and sounds indiscriminately, treats and processes them as images, and synthesizes them as sounds.

Photosounder is a one-of-a-kind image-sound editing program.